
Grey-Markov Model of User Demands Prediction Based on Online Reviews

Na Zhang, Ling Qin, Ping Yu, Wei Gao,Yupeng Li

Journal of engineering design(2023)

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Users have higher demands on product with the developing e-commerce and the increasing online shopping. Enterprises must design products that meet user demands accurately and quickly to improve user satisfaction and increase product competitiveness. In the face of ever-changing user demands, enterprises need to predict the changing trend of user demands, so as to design products more in line with user demands and reduce the market risk of new product development. Therefore, this paper proposes a Grey-Markov model of user demands prediction based on online reviews for enterprises to predict the monthly changing trend of user demands in advance. Firstly, LDA topic model and sentiment analysis are used to get user attention values and user satisfaction values. Secondly, The Grey-Markov model of user demands prediction was established. According to two dimensions of the attention and satisfaction of user demands, the values of user demands are predicted, and the division of user demand improvement sequence is used to balance the scheme of product optimisation. Finally, taking the demand prediction and optimisation design of smartphones and automobiles for examples to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and to provide a reference for manufacturing enterprises to optimise product design.
Online reviews,Grey-Markov model,demand prediction,demand improvement sequence
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