Regional economic effects of COVID-19 on the self-employed: The case of Cantabria


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The economic crisis that, as a consequence of the health pandemic, has been unleashed, will affect to a greater extent the weakest groups of our labour market. In this regard, self-employed workers may face a particularly dramatic situation. Thus, due to the lock down measures established to mitigate the advance of the coronavirus, at this time of uncertainty, millions of workers in general, and self-employed in particular, have had to radically reduce their economic activity, paralyzing numerous projects and/or jobs. Consequently, their income has been suddenly and indefinitely reduced. Given these circumstances, at the present time, it is especially relevant to analyse the effects that COVID-19 is generating on employment and, more particularly, on the group of self-employed workers. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyse and estimate the effects that the health crisis unleashed by the disease COVID-19 might have on self-employed workers in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria through the simulation of three possible contingency scenarios: base, favourable and adverse. The self-employed workers in Cantabria, at the end of April 2020, were 40,603. The data for affiliation of self-employed workers that same month of the previous year stood at 41,515 people, which means an annual fall of 2.2%. This decrease is slightly higher than that which has taken place in the whole of the national territory, where it has stood at 1.7%, which already indicates the degree of impact that the health crisis is having on the business fabric of the region. In this study, it has been attempted, taking into consideration the situation of unprecedented uncertainty in which we find ourselves at present, to carry out a prospective exercise in which, as a counterfactual, a range of possible predictions of self-employed membership decline is provided. Starting from this premise, it is necessary to remember that any forecast is subject to various hypotheses marked by the instability of the moment as well as the expected development of slowdown in the activity of the self-employed based on the evolution of the pandemic itself, the effectiveness of de-escalation and the behaviour of the self-employed, among other determining factors. In accordance with this reality, in this study the use of contingency scenarios is proposed as a working methodology, which consists of using the socioeconomic context in which we find ourselves today to estimate its impact in the future with the least possible margin of error in this regard. Thus, various possible scenarios for the future are proposed, in which the situation of self-employed workers could evolve in various ways depending on the vast statistical information we have had to carry out for this study. Specifically, the potential impact that could be derived from the (partial or total) halt of activity of this group has been estimated, taking as reference the 40,603 self-employed members in Cantabria in April 2020. Each of the scenarios includes possible falls in activity in each of the branches defined in the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE 2009). In this way, it is possible to analyse the estimated reduction in membership for each month that activity is paralyzed or reduced. Our main hypothesis is that, if the self-employed workers affected by declines in economic activity unsubscribed from Social Security, this would be equivalent toan annual decline in enrolment estimated at 2.95% in the base scenario, 0.43% in the favourable and 4.48% in the adverse case. Finally, the potential impact has been estimated through this starting point, taking into account a certain level of "anesthesia" in the current economic scenario by many economic agents that, having public aid and despite the delay in the perception of some of them, have not perceived the full depth of the recession that is coming yet. Thus, the potential fall in the "Self-employed workers Special System" membership is calculated if these reductions were hypothetically sustained for twelve months cumulatively over time given that there is currently no COVID-19 vaccine, no effective treatment, and we are not near the optimum level of group immunity. Therefore, the appearance of possible outbreaks is not ruled out; and, so far, we might only guess when or how hard they might be. In this sense, given this counterfactual analysis exercise and with all the exceptions mentioned above as a "roller coaster" mode, the reduction of self-employed workers in Cantabria in this context of prolonged activity halt would move between 35.99 % in the baseline scenario, 5.20% in the favourable and 53.75% in the most pessimistic. All these results lead us to conclude that resilience, a characteristic so intrinsic to the self-employed worker, is a key piece in order to understand the current situation of this group in Cantabria. It is, therefore, the innate skills of the self-employed such as their confidence, self-knowledge of strengths, tenacity and flexibility that will make them overcome this economic crisis that is presumed to be long, complex and with still rather uncertain final consequences.
Economic impact, COVID-19, Self-employed, Scenarios, Cantabria
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