Loop extrusion by cohesin plays a key role in enhancer-activated gene expression during differentiation

Rosa J. Stolper, Felice H. Tsang, Emily Georgiades,Lars L.P. Hansen,Damien J. Downes,Caroline L. Harrold,Jim R. Hughes, Robert A. Beagrie,Benjamin Davies,Mira T. Kassouf,Douglas R. Higgs


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Enhancers and their target promoters often come into close physical proximity when activated. This proximity may be explained by a variety of mechanisms; most recently via cohesin-mediated chromatin loop extrusion. Despite this compelling hypothesis, acute depletion of cohesin does not cause widespread changes in gene expression. We have tested the role of cohesin-mediated loop extrusion on gene expression at the mouse alpha-globin locus during erythropoiesis. Acute depletion of cohesin downregulates alpha-globin expression at early but not late stages of differentiation. When single or multiple CTCF sites are placed between the alpha-globin enhancers and promoters, alpha-gene expression is downregulated. Importantly, the orientation of the CTCF site plays a critical role, suggesting that within this activated domain, cohesin predominantly but not exclusively translocates from the enhancers to the promoters. We find that loop extrusion does play an important role in establishing enhancer-promoter proximity and consequent expression of inducible genes during differentiation. ### Competing Interest Statement J.R.H is a founder and shareholder of Nucleome Therapeutics. The remaining authors declare no competing interests.
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