Fate and impact of nanoplastics in the human digestive environment after oral exposure: A common challenge for toxicology and chemistry

TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry(2023)

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Nanoplastics (NPLs), the presence in the environment of which was considered only “highly plausible” until recently, have become the focus of environmental and ecotoxicological studies. However, up to know, little is known about the potential risks of NPLs to human health. In this review, we provide an overview of the evidence of a specific impact of NPLs on human digestive health reported to date. We focus on the different sources of oral exposure to NPLs, including food packaging, food and beverages. We then summarize the toxicological effects of such exposure on the digestive ecosystem in vitro and in vivo in rodents. Importantly, gut toxicity results should be assessed with the type of NPL model materials employed, due to the critical influence of their chemical and physical properties. As a result, we thoroughly describe NPLs with their source, chemical composition and physicochemical behavior to emphasize the lack of NPL characterization and/or model materials. Finally, we propose avenues for interdisciplinary studies at the interface of toxicology and chemistry, with a view to achieving appropriate scientific assessments of the risks to gut health posed by NPLs, and improvements in their management.
Nanoplastics, Human health, Gut toxicity, In vitro and in vivo models, NPL model materials, Toxicology, Chemistry
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