
Adaptations to a Statewide Walking Program: Use of Iterative Feedback Cycles Between Research and Delivery Systems Improves Fit for over 10 Years


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FitEx is an 8-week, group-based physical activity and fruit and vegetable consumption program co-created and implemented with the Cooperative Extension System. Effectiveness and delivery personnel perceptions of the program are promising; however, ongoing adaptations are required to continuously meet shifting needs of both researchers and delivery systems. We applied the APDER iterative cycles of implementation over 15 years to understand dynamic and ongoing adaptations as well as implications for FitEx sustainability. Each year, an IRPP between delivery (FitEx deliverers) and research (FitEx developers) systems shared feedback on program core elements and strategies for adaptation through regular team meetings, emails, and evaluations. While the core elements (delivering to groups, goal setting, feedback, and self-monitoring) of FitEx remained consistent, changes were made to address logistical factors, emergent research questions, and technological advancements. For example, program deliverers suggested decreasing training time and making program content available on demand rather than through traditional in-person training. Using APDER with a long-standing IRPP allowed the delivery system to provide feedback to program developers to co-create ongoing adaptations and data-driven decisions. Future work in response to shifting needs includes Fitbit integration and technological updates to the usability of the FitEx platform. Our aim is to report the 15+ years of applying the Assess, Plan, Do, Evaluate, Report (APDER) process with an integrated research-practice partnership (IRPP) for co-creation of ongoing adaptations of FitEx and to share methods for capturing relevant data for decision-making to integrate health promotion programs in community settings. This study focuses on the collaborative adaptations of an 8-week physical activity and fruit/vegetable consumption program called FitEx through a long-standing partnership of over 10 years between researchers developing FitEx (developers) and community-based health educators delivering FitEx (deliverers) to fit the needs of the delivery systems and the communities they serve. Developers and deliverers partnered through the following six steps: (i) collaboratively assess needs for adaptation to improve program fit, participant reach, and deliverer adoption; (ii) plan the "what, when, where, how" to adapt and implement; (iii) work together to co-create and implement these adaptations; (iv) evaluated who is adopting and whom is being reaching; (v) report on what's working and not working through a two-way communication loop between research and delivery systems; (vi) repeat. One example of a collaborative adaptation is when the developers added the option of a 1-h online training to reduce travel time for in-person training. This study reports how this partnership and cyclic method for co-adaptations helped ensure that FitEx continues to be sustained and maintained in response to shifting needs over the last 15+ years of its implementation.
physical activity,intervention,integrated research-practice partnership,community-based implementation,dissemination and implementation science,Assess, Plan, Do, Evaluate, Report
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