Executive Functioning as a Predictor of Adverse Driving Outcomes in Teen Drivers With ADHD

Journal of attention disorders(2023)

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Objective: The present study examined the association between executive functioning (EF) and risky driving behaviors in teens with ADHD. Method: Teens diagnosed with ADHD (n = 179; M-age= 17.4 years) completed two 15-min drives in a fixed-base driving simulator. EF was assessed using parent-and self-report Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning (BRIEF-2), a temporal reproduction task, and a Go/No-Go task (GNG). Driving outcomes included known predictors of crashes: count of long (>2 s) off-road glances, standard deviation (SD) of lane position (SDLP), mean speed, and SD speed. Generalized linear mixed models, controlling for intelligence and driving experience, were conducted. Results: Higher rates of GNG commission errors predicted higher rates of long off-road glances. Lower parent-rated EF and increased rates of GNG omission errors predicted SDLP. Higher rates of GNG commission errors also predicted faster average driving speed. Conclusion: Heterogeneity in EF is associated with differences in teen ADHD risky driving behaviors (J. of Att. Dis. XXXX; XX(X) XX-XX).
ADHD,executive function,driving,simulated driving performance
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