Using AI for Healthcare Management – Vinci Medicine solution

2023 27th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR)(2023)

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This paper describes the development of Vinci Medicine, a comprehensive healthcare system that utilizes machine learning and mobile technology. The system comprises a mobile application, an administrative panel, a machine learning module, and a database. The mobile application allows users to input their symptoms and receive appropriate medical advice based on the analysis provided by the machine learning module. The administrative panel provides staff members access to the system's backend, allowing them to manage appointments and doctor schedules. The machine learning module provides preliminary diagnoses and suggests tests and examinations. The database stores user data and medical information. The system was designed with user experience in mind, providing an easy-to-use interface and intuitive navigation. The machine learning module was developed using Python 3.10 and FastAPI, and the database was implemented using MariaDB. The system has been shown to provide accurate diagnoses and suggestions for medical examinations. Vinci Medicine offers a reliable and efficient healthcare solution for users, providing access to medical advice and services from the convenience of their mobile devices.
React Native, Symfony, FastAPI, MariaDB, medicine, symptoms, teleconsultation
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