
[A Dual-Aware Deep Learning Framework for Identification of Glioma Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Genotype Using Magnetic Resonance Amide Proton Transfer Modalities].

Z Chu, Y Qu,T Zhong,S Liang,Z Wen, Y Zhang


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OBJECTIVE:To propose a Dual-Aware deep learning framework for genotyping of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) in gliomas based on magnetic resonance amide proton transfer (APT) modality data as a means to assist non-invasive diagnosis of gliomas.METHODS:We collected multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging data of the brain from 118 cases of gliomas, including 68 wild-type and 50 mutant type cases. The delineation of the ROI of brain glioma was completed in all the cases. APT modality imaging does not require contrast agents, and its signal intensity on tumors is positively correlated with tumor malignancy, and the signal intensity on wild-type IDH is higher than that on mutant IDH. For APT modalities, tumor imaging and derived areas are morphologically variable and lack prominent edge contour characteristics compared with other modalities. Based on these characteristics, we propose the Dual-Aware framework, which introduces the Multi-Aware framework to mine multi-scale features, and the Edge Aware module mines the edge features for automatic genotype identification.RESULTS:The introduction of two types of Aware mechanisms effectively improved the identification rate of the model for glioma IDH genotyping. The accuracy and AUC for each modality data were enhanced, and the best performance was achieved on the APT modality with a prediction accuracy of 83.1% and an AUC of 0.822, suggesting its advantages and effectiveness for identifying glioma IDH genotypes.CONCLUSION:The proposed deep learning algorithm model constructed based on the image characteristics of the APT modality is effective for glioma IDH genotyping and identification task and may potentially replace the commonly used T1CE modality to avoid contrast agent injection and achieve non- invasive IDH genotyping.
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