High-fidelity 3D Reconstruction of Solar Coronal Physics with the Updated CROBAR Method

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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We present an extension of the Coronal Reconstruction Onto B-Aligned Regions (CROBAR) method to Linear Force Free Field (LFFF) extrapolations, and apply it to the reconstruction of a set of AIA, MDI, and STEREO EUVI data. The results demonstrate that CROBAR can not only reconstruct coronal emission structures, but also that it can help constrain the coronal field extrapolations via the LFFF's helicity $\alpha$ parameter. They also provide a real-world example of how CROBAR can easily incorporate information from multiple perspectives to improve its reconstructions, and we also use the additional perspectives to help validate the reconstructions. We furthermore touch on the use of real-world emission passbands rather than idealized power-law type ones using DEMs. We conclude with a comparison of CROBAR generated emission to observed emission and those produced with idealized DEM based power-laws. These results further illustrate the promise of CROBAR for real-world applications, and we make available a preliminary release of the software available for download.
solar coronal physics,high-fidelity
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