
Subacute Administration of Cilostazol Modulates PLC-γ/PKC-α/p38/NF-kB Pathway and Plays Vascular Protective Effects Through Enos Activation in Early Stages of Atherosclerosis Development

Life sciences(2023)

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Aims: Hypercholesterolemia is an important risk factor for development of cardiovascular disturbances, such as atherosclerosis, and its treatment remains challenging in modern medicine. Cilostazol is a selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 3 clinically prescribed for intermittent claudication treatment. Due to its pleiotropic properties, such as lipid lowering, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects, the therapeutic repurposing of cilostazol has become a strategic approach for atherosclerosis treatment. This study aimed to investigate the effects of subacute administration of cilostazol on the aortas of hypercholesterolemic rats, focusing on the signaling pathways involved in these actions. Main methods: A murine model of hypercholesterolemia was employed to mimic the early stages of atherosclerosis development. Vascular reactivity assays were performed on thoracic aorta rings to assess the vascular response, as well as the non-invasive blood pressure was evaluated by plethysmography method. Proinflammatory markers and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured to investigate the antiinflammatory and antioxidant effects of cilostazol. Western Blot analysis was performed in aortas homogenates to evaluate the role of cilostazol on PLC-gamma/PKC-alpha/p38-MAPK/I kappa B-alpha/NF-kB and PKA/eNOS/PKG pathways. Key findings: The hypercholesterolemic diet induced the production of pro-inflammatory mediators such as TNF alpha, TXB2, VCAM, and worsened vascular function, marked by increased contractile response, decreased maximum relaxation, and elevated systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Cilostazol seems to counteract the deleterious effects promoted by hypercholesterolemic diet, showing important anti-inflammatory and vasculoprotective properties possibly through the inhibition of the PLC-gamma/PKC-alpha/p38-MAPK/I kappa B-alpha/NF-kB pathway and activation of the PKA/eNOS/PKG pathway. Significance: Cilostazol suppressed hypercholesterolemia-induced vascular dysfunction and inflammation. Our data suggest the potential repurposing of cilostazol as a pharmacological treatment for atherosclerosis.
Hypercholesterolemia,Atherosclerosis,Vascular reactivity,Cilostazol,Endothelial dysfunction
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