Ultra-wideband Localization with Time-based Measurement Techniques

2023 International Symposium ELMAR(2023)

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Ultra-wideband (UWB) is a radio-based communication technology for short-range use with stable and fast data transmission. Regarding its precision, reliability and transmission speed, UWB is often the optimal choice for accurate indoor localization of moving assets in space-sensitive and complex environments. Because of its numerous advantages over comparable technologies for localization, such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Bluetooth or Wireless communication systems, UWB is considered as an optimal standard of indoor positioning technologies. This solution is optimal for location-based automation. In this paper, authors simulated the tracks of single moving object in systems with three to six receivers, using time-based positioning techniques. The best-performing measurement technique was given by Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA), in comparison with Time of Arrival (ToA) where the minimum error for ToA is significantly higher than the minimum error for TDoA by 37.5%. Setups with more receivers are providing better results in precise positioning, but regarding the implementation in large indoor infrastructures and cost-effectiveness, setups with four receivers are chosen for simulations. While ToA technique is commonly used for a single moving object, authors consider the usage of TDoA because of the scalability of the model parameters and the ability to expand this kind of positioning system with multiple objects and receivers.
Ultra-wideband,Time of Arrival,Time Difference of Arrival,Positioning,Localization
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