
Assessment of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7 Loaded Chitosan/β-Glycerophosphate Hydrogel on Periodontium Tissues Regeneration of Class III Furcation Defects.

Ahmed M. Badr,Hany K. Shalaby, Mohamed A. Awad,Mohamed A. Hashem

˜The œSaudi dental journal(2023)

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Background: Periodontitis is a long-term, multifactorial inflammatory condition that is triggered by bacterial germs and interacts with the host's immune system. The unique attachment of fibrous tissue between the cementum and bone presents a challenge for periodontal regeneration. Aim: To achieve the lowest optimum dose of BMP-7 that helps in periodontal regeneration, involving newly formed cementum, PDL and bone Materials and methods: Five healthy mongrel dogs were used for the study. A critical class III furcation defect was created using rotating burs. The bone defects (ten defects for each group) were allocated to one of the subsequent groups: (Group 1) control with the surgical defect only. (Group 2) Surgical defect implanted with hydrogel only (CS/b-GP). (Group 3) Surgical defect implanted with CS/BMP-7 (50 ng/ml). (Group 4) Surgical defect implanted with CS/BMP-7 (100 ng/ml). Results: Histomorphometric and H&E analysis revealed a statistically significant difference in bone, PDL, and cementum regeneration defects filled with CS/BMP-7 (100 ng/ml) compared with other groups. Conclusion: The standard effective dose for BMP-7 use in periodontal regeneration is 100 ng/ml. (c) 2023 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
BMP-7,Periodontal regeneration,Periodontal ligament (PDL),Guided tissue regeneration (GTR)
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