Urban Night Vitality Measurements and Related Factors Based on Multisource Data: a Case Study of Central Shanghai

Ziang Liu, Jining Zhang,Xiao Luo,Yuan Liang,Shangwu Zhang

Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy(2023)

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Urban night vitality is a manifestation of a city's diverse life and economic prosperity. However, few existing studies pay attention to urban night vitality. Furthermore, large spatial scale research of urban night vitality remains scarce. To fill these gaps, this empirical study on the urban night vitality of central Shanghai is based on fine-grained mobile phone signaling data and other multisource data. The objective of this study is twofold. First, mobile phone signaling data (with refined spatiotemporal resolutions) is applied to measure urban night vitality on a city-level spatial scale. Second, the spatial lag model is utilized to identify factors that influence urban night vitality. The results indicate that urban vitality presents a stronger commercially driven spatial agglomeration pattern during the night, and the urban night vitality of young people has a more concentrated spatial pattern than that of middle-aged and older people. Furthermore, the spatial agglomeration pattern of urban night vitality diminishes as time passes. The results of the spatial lag model reveal that night businesses and mixed land use are significantly and positively related to urban night vitality. Specifically, bars and consumption levels of stores have the highest relative significance, followed by mixed land use. These findings illuminate the understanding of the spatiotemporal characteristics of urban night vitality, which has universal significance.
Urban vitality,Mobile phone signaling data,Spatial regression,Shanghai
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