Plant fructans: Recent advances in metabolism, evolution aspects and applications for human health.

Current research in food science(2023)

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Fructans, fructose polymers, are one of the three major reserve carbohydrate in plants. The nutritional and therapeutic benefits of natural fructans in plants have attracted increasing interest by consumers and food industry. In the course of evolution, many plants have developed the ability of regulating plant fructans metabolism to produce fructans with different structures and chain lengths, which are strongly correlated with their survival in harsh environments. Exploring these evolution-related genes in fructans biosynthesis and domestication of fructans-rich plants based on genome editing is a viable and promising approach to improve human dietary quality and reduce the risk of chronic disease. These advances will greatly facilitate breeding and production of tailor-made fructans as a healthy food ingredient from wild plants such as huangjing (). The purpose of this review is to broaden our knowledge on plant fructans biosynthesis, evolution and benefits to human health.
Plant fructans, Fructosyltransferases, Metabolism, Evolution aspects, Functional foods
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