
Fast-nondestructive Measurement of Axial Slice Water Content and Water Distribution with NMR SFG-MSCPMG Sequence

Magnetic resonance imaging(2024)

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Measuring hydraulic conductivity by instantaneous profile method needs to detect the pore water content of soil at different positions, but most of the detecting methods will disturb the soil sample. In the study, the axial slice scanning of soil samples was carried out by using static filed gradient multi-slice Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (SFG-MSCPMG) sequence of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology, which can nondestructively determine water content and distribution at different positions of soil column. In this experiment, three clays were used to illustrate the relationship between NMR test results and oven drying results of water content. The results show that there is a good linear relationship between the NMR signal and water content. Combining mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) data, the transverse surface relaxivity parameters (rho 2) of clays are obtained. With rho 2 = 41.90 mu m/s the T2 distribution curve of pore water in the ordinary clay can be converted into the pore water distribution curve, which is in good agreement with that obtained with MIP. Nevertheless, it is found that the T2 distribution curve of pore water in expansive clay obtained with NMR technique is more suitable for analyzing the average pore water distribution because of the fast exchange of pore water between the interlayers, intra-aggregates and inter-aggregates in expansive clay.
NMR,SFG-MSCPMG sequence,Axial slice,Water content,Pore water distribution
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