TinyRCE: Multipurpose Forward Learning for Resource Restricted Devices

IEEE Sensors Letters(2023)

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The challenge of deploying neural network (NN) learning workloads on ultralow power tiny devices has recently attracted several machine learning researchers of the Tiny machine learning community. A typical on-device learning session processes real-time streams of data acquired by heterogeneous sensors. In such a context, this letter proposes Tiny Restricted Coulomb energy (TinyRCE), a forward-only learning approach based on a hyperspherical classifier, which can be deployed on microcontrollers and potentially integrated into the sensor package. TinyRCE is fed with compact features extracted by a convolutional neural network (CNN), which can be trained with backpropagation or it can be an extreme learning machine with randomly initialized weights. A forget mechanism has been introduced to discard useless neurons from the hidden layer, since they can become redundant over time. TinyRCE has been evaluated with a new interleaved learning and testing data protocol to mimic a typical forward on-tiny-device workload. It has been tested with the standard MLCommons Tiny datasets used for keyword spotting and image classification, and against the respective neural benchmarks. In total, 95.25% average accuracy was achieved over the former classes (versus 91.49%) and 87.17% over the latter classes (versus 100%, caused by overfitting). In terms of complexity, TinyRCE requires 22× less Multiply and ACCumulate (MACC) than SoftMax (with 36 epochs) on the former, whereas it requires 5× more MACC than SoftMax (with 500 epochs) for the latter. Classifier complexity and memory footprint are marginal w.r.t. the feature extractor, for training and inference workloads.
Sensor systems, on-device learning, Extreme learning machines (ELMs), feature extraction, hyperspherical classifier, keyword spotting (KWS), on-tiny-device learning, Tiny machine learning (TinyML)
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