
Design of a Balanced Robot Based on Second-Order Complementary Filtering Algorithm

Cunyi Pan,Ting Wang, Zide Liu,Shiliang Shao, Zhifan Quan

2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER)(2023)

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The balancing robot's design principle and implementation method are based on the second-order complementary filtering algorithm, which includes establishing the hardware platform, writing the software program, and analyzing the experimental test results. Based on the STM32407 microcontroller chip, a design scheme of a two-wheeled self-balancing robot system is presented. The system scheme includes STM32407 microcontroller circuit design, vehicle attitude sensor BMI088 detection circuit design, motor drive circuit design, and PID controller as the core software design through the DR16 module to communicate with the mobile terminal. In terms of software, the PID control method based on the second-order complementary filtering algorithm is adopted to realize the control and movement of the balanced robot through real-time control of motor output and steering. In terms of experimental testing, the balancing and moving abilities of the balancing robot were tested by placing the balancing robot on a plane and a sloped surface. The experimental results show that the balanced vehicle design based on the second-order complementary filtering algorithm has better balance control and motion control capabilities and can achieve balance and movement on different slope surfaces.
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