Explainable Story and Visualization for Learning Data Structure Concepts

Bingshu Wang, Xinyi Zhu,Cheng Shi, Yan Cheng

2023 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Technologies in Education (CSTE)(2023)

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The “Data Structure” course is a fundamental subject within the entire computer course system, and it plays a vital role in the field of computer and information disciplines. However, the abstraction and logic of data structures have made this course challenging for many underestimated students. It involves many concepts, which can be difficult to understand. To enhance teaching efficiency and facilitate students' comprehension of data structure concepts, we propose a method that combines storytelling and visualization. Our goal is to present these concepts clearly and promote a deeper understanding among students. We have developed new expressions that serve as a bridge between data structure concepts and their logical structures. Our teaching practice has shown that this approach is highly effective. It not only increases the teacher's confidence in their ability to teach, but also enhances students' subjective initiative when it comes to learning.
explainable story,visualization,data structure,conceptual understanding
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