Dynamic Multi-Graph Convolution based Channel-Weighted Transformer Feature Fusion Network for Epileptic Seizure Prediction.

IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(2023)

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Electroencephalogram (EEG) based seizure prediction plays an important role in the closed-loop neuromodulation system. However, most existing seizure prediction methods based on graph convolution network only focused on constructing the static graph, ignoring multi-domain dynamic changes in deep graph structure. Moreover, the existing feature fusion strategies generally concatenated coarse-grained epileptic EEG features directly, leading to the suboptimal seizure prediction performance. To address these issues, we propose a novel multi-branch dynamic multi-graph convolution based channel-weighted transformer feature fusion network (MB-dMGC-CWTFFNet) for the patient-specific seizure prediction with the superior performance. Specifically, a multi-branch (MB) feature extractor is first applied to capture the temporal, spatial and spectral representations fromthe epileptic EEG jointly. Then, we design a point-wise dynamic multi-graph convolution network (dMGCN) to dynamically learn deep graph structures, which can effectively extract high-level features from the multi-domain graph. Finally, by integrating the local and global channel-weighted strategies with the multi-head self-attention mechanism, a channel-weighted transformer feature fusion network (CWTFFNet) is adopted to efficiently fuse the multi-domain graph features. The proposed MB-dMGC-CWTFFNet is evaluated on the public CHB-MIT EEG and a private intracranial sEEG datasets, and the experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves outstanding prediction performance compared with the state-of-the-art methods, indicating an effective tool for patient-specific seizure warning. Our code will be available at: https://github.com/Rockingsnow/MB-dMGC-CWTFFNet.
epileptic seizure prediction,multi-graph,channel-weighted
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