Full-Atom Protein Pocket Design via Iterative Refinement


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The design of \emph{de novo} functional proteins that bind specific ligand molecules is paramount in therapeutics and bio-engineering. A critical yet formidable task in this endeavor is the design of the protein pocket, which is the cavity region of the protein where the ligand binds. Current methods are plagued by inefficient generation, inadequate context modeling of the ligand molecule, and the inability to generate side-chain atoms. Here, we present the Full-Atom Iterative Refinement (FAIR) method, designed to address these challenges by facilitating the co-design of protein pocket sequences, specifically residue types, and their corresponding 3D structures. FAIR operates in two steps, proceeding in a coarse-to-fine manner (transitioning from protein backbone to atoms, including side chains) for a full-atom generation. In each iteration, all residue types and structures are simultaneously updated, a process termed full-shot refinement. In the initial stage, the residue types and backbone coordinates are refined using a hierarchical context encoder, complemented by two structure refinement modules that capture both inter-residue and pocket-ligand interactions. The subsequent stage delves deeper, modeling the side-chain atoms of the pockets and updating residue types to ensure sequence-structure congruence. Concurrently, the structure of the binding ligand is refined across iterations to accommodate its inherent flexibility. Comprehensive experiments show that FAIR surpasses existing methods in designing superior pocket sequences and structures, producing average improvement exceeding 10\% in AAR and RMSD metrics. FAIR is available at \url{https://github.com/zaixizhang/FAIR}.
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