Probing electronic-vibrational dynamics of N2+ induced by strong-field ionization


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The coupled electronic-vibrational dynamics of nitrogen ions induced by strong-field ionization is investigated theoretically to corroborate the recent transient X-ray K-edge absorption experiment [PRL 129, 123002 (2022)], where the population distribution of three electronic states in air lasing of N2+ was determined for the first time. By extending the ionization-coupling model to include the transient absorption, we successfully reproduce the time-resolved X-ray absorption spectra of nitrogen ions observed in the experiment. By identifying the contributions from different electronic states, the study provides different interpretation revealing the significant role of excited state A arising from the strong coupling between vibrational states in strong laser fields. It indicates that the electronic population inversion occurs at least for certain alignment of nitrogen molecules. The theory helps uncovering new features of absorption from forbidden transitions during ionization and confirming that the vibration coherence at each electronic channel induces the modulation of absorbance after strong field ionization. A new scheme is proposed to determine the population transfer at different probing geometry to avoid the spectral overlap. This work offers valuable insights into the intricate interplay between electronic and vibrational dynamics and helps to resolve the debate on nitrogen air lasing.
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