A Novel LO Phase-Shifting System Based on Digital Bang-Bang PLLs With Background Phase-Offset Correction for Integrated Phased Arrays.

IEEE J. Solid State Circuits(2023)

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An LO phase-shifting system based on digital fractional -N bang-bang phase-locked loops (PLLs) in the 8.5-10.0-GHz range is presented. A direct phase modulation method is leveraged to perform LO phase-shifting directly within the frequency synthesizer, leading to an inherently linear phase-shifting characteristic, even in the presence of digital-to time converter (DTC) nonlinearities. Synchronization between fractional -N PLL cores is achieved by clocking with the same reference clock the ?S modulator driving the frequency divider of each core. The adoption of a digital phase-offset correction technique canceling out timing skews greatly simplifies the reference-clock distribution and DTC matching. A dual-core prototype is implemented in a standard 28-nm CMOS process, where each element occupies 0.23-mm(2) area and dissipates 20-mW power. An arbitrary phase shift between the LO outputs can be set over the 360(? )range with a resolution of 0.7 millidegree (19 bits). The rms phase accuracy is 0.76(?), and the peak-to peak phase error is 2.1(?), without requiring any linearity or gain calibration. Each LO element features a -58.7 dBc in-band fractional spur and a -70 dBc reference spur, with a jitter versus power figure-of-merit of -253.5 and -250.0 dB for integer -N and fractional -N channels, respectively. The combined outputs of the two PLL cores reach an absolute jitter integrated from 1 kHz to 100 MHz (including spurs) of 38.2 and 59.78 fs, in integer -N and near-integer fractional -N operations, respectively.
5G,bang-bang phase detector (BBPD),beamforming,digital-to-time converter (DTC),DPLL,fractional-N,frequency synthesizer,LO phase-shifting,low-jitter,multi-cores,multi-phase-locked loops (PLLs),phased array,PLL
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