
Three-Dimensional Geological Modeling and Resource Estimation of Hot Dry Rock in the Gonghe Basin, Qinghai Province


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The Gonghe Basin, situated on the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, is a strike-slip pull-apart basin that has garnered considerable attention for its abundant high-temperature geothermal resources. However, as it is located far from the Himalayan geothermal belt, research on the geothermal resources in the Gonghe Basin has mainly focused on the heat source mechanism, with less attention given to the distribution and resource potential of hot dry rock. In this project, a comprehensive approach combining geological surveys, geophysical exploration, geochemical investigations, and deep drilling was employed to analyze the stratigraphic structure and lithological composition of the Gonghe Basin, establish a basin-scale three-dimensional geological model, and identify the lithological composition and geological structures within the basin. The model revealed that the target reservoirs of hot dry rock in the Gonghe Basin exhibit a half-graben undulation pattern, with burial depths decreasing from west to east and reaching a maximum depth of around 7000 m. Furthermore, the distribution of the temperature field in the area was determined, and the influence of temperature on rock density and specific heat was investigated to infer the thermal properties of the deep reservoirs. The Qiabuqia region, situated in the central-eastern part of the basin, was identified as a highly favorable target area for hot dry rock exploration and development. The volume method was used to evaluate the potential of hot dry rock resources in the Gonghe Basin, which was estimated to be approximately 4.90 × 1022 J, equivalent to 1.67 × 1012 t of standard coal, at depths of up to 10 km.
geothermal resource,HDR,three-dimensional geological model,Gonghe Basin
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