Experimental techniques for performance evaluation of shielding materials and configurations subjected to Blast and Ballistic impacts: A State-of-the-Art Review


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Blast and ballistic impacts are high-strain rate events that can cause catastrophic damage to structures and endanger human lives. Shielding materials play a critical role in mitigating the risk of injury and damage caused by such events. However, these materials must withstand extreme conditions of pressure, strain, strain-rate, multi-mode stresses, and temperature during impact. The development of novel structures and arrangements, including monolithic, hybrid, and high-performing fiber-reinforced polymers, requires advanced testing techniques to ensure their effectiveness in the field. This state-of-the-art paper reviews the latest experimental techniques for characterizing the impact resistance, shock energy absorption, high strain-rate responses and endurance of materials used for shielding. The paper provides dedicated sections on blast and ballistic impact experimentation techniques, covering diverse testing methods for various material classes and configurations used in shielding. It also discusses complex material mechanics during impact response, projectile classifications and characterizations, and the development of strategies for high-performing shielding configurations. Overall, this review provides a comprehensive overview of the latest experimental techniques for materials subjected to blast/ballistic impact scenarios, offering valuable insights for researchers and practitioners working on the design and testing of shielding materials.
Blast waves,Ballistic impact,Shielding structures,Material mechanics,High strain rate,Dynamic characterization
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