
An observation methodology for non-measurable rotorcraft states


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In an attempt to reduce acoustic pollution due to terminal flight phases (lift-offs and landings) in the surroundings of heliport, project MANOEUVRES developed a device capable of estimating the acoustic footprint of helicopters on the ground. This device requires knowledge of certain quantities that cannot be directly measured through physical sensors: the tip-path plane angle of attack and the main rotor thrust coefficient. Previous research has demonstrated that these quantities can be accurately estimated using observers that are properly fed with directly measurable flight mechanics and rotor state variables. However, these observers, which are based on linear mathematical models identified offline and employed through interpolation with respect to nominal airspeed, have shown poor robustness when the number of identification input cases is reduced, as required for a realistic design of observers in the field. This issue has particularly emerged when non-trimmed manoeuvres were considered during observation testing. To address this issue, this paper introduces a new baseline for the observation model, which includes dynamic pressure as an additional input. Moreover, a different model structure is considered depending on the observed variable. Specifically, for the tip-path plane angle of attack, a single model covers the entire airspeed range, while observation models for the rotor thrust coefficient are interpolated based on flight altitude. This new approach demonstrates results of comparable or superior quality to previous observation models. Furthermore, it exhibits increased robustness when the pool of identification cases used for observer synthesis is significantly reduced. Such improved performance and ease of synthesis pave the way for the setup and adoption of the proposed observers in the field. & COPY; 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons .org /licenses /by-nc -nd /4 .0/).
Helicopter noise,Flap angles,Tip path plane,Thrust coefficient,Observer,Pilot acoustic indicator
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