Sex-specific foraging behaviour in a long-lived seabird


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Sex-specific foraging behaviour may lead to differences between the sexes in both resource acquisition and exposure to threats and thereby contribute to sex-specific reproductive roles or mortality. As such, it is important to identify in which species sex-specific foraging behaviour occurs. We deployed GPS devices to incubating common terns (Sterna hirundo) from a German breeding population to study how sex and spatial or temporal extrinsic factors influence the daily activity budget, foraging distribution, and trip characteristics of this slightly sexually size dimorphic seabird. Birds of both sexes only foraged during the day, showing peaks of activity after sunrise and before sunset, perhaps in response to temporal variation in prey availability and/or as a strategy to overcome or prepare for nocturnal fasting. Furthermore, foraging was more frequent around low tide and at the beginning of the flood tide and mainly occurred in shallow (< 5 m depth) and coastal waters (< 2 km from coastline) up to 20 km from the colony. Females rested less, foraged closer to the colony in more coastal waters, and showed a lower maximum flight speed than males. Males foraged more outside protected areas than females and showed higher variability in their foraging distribution throughout the tide cycle. As such, our study provides evidence for sex-specific aspects of foraging behaviour in common terns and underlines the importance of considering sex-specific foraging distributions when assessing the impact of at-sea threats on seabirds, knowledge of which should be incorporated when developing conservation management strategies.
Animal movement,Spatial ecology,GPS tracking,Foraging distribution,Sexual segregation,Seabirds,Conservation
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