Proof Repair across Quotient Type Equivalences


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Proofs in proof assistants like Coq can be brittle, breaking easily in response to changes in the terms and types those proofs depend on. To address this, recent work introduced an algorithm and tool in Coq to automatically repair broken proofs in response to changes that correspond to type equivalences. However, many changes remained out of the scope of this algorithm and tool – especially changes in underlying behavior. We extend this proof repair algorithm so that it can express certain changes in behavior that were previously out of scope. We focus in particular on equivalences between quotient types – types equipped with a relation that describes what it means for any two elements of that type to be equal. Quotient type equivalences can be used to express interesting changes in representations of mathematical structures, as well as changes in the underlying implementations of data structures – two use cases highlighted by our case studies. We extend this algorithm to support quotient type equivalences in two different ways: (1) internally to cubical type theory (applied to Cubical Agda), and (2) externally to CIC_ω (applied to Coq). While our approach in Coq comes equipped with prototype automation, it suffers notably from Coq's lack of quotient types – something we circumvent using Coq's setoid machinery and an extension to the proof repair algorithm to support the corresponding new proof obligations. In contrast, while our approach in Cubical Agda is completely manual, it takes advantage of cubical type theory's internal quotient types, which makes the algorithm straightforward. Furthermore, it includes the first internal proofs of correctness of repaired proofs, something not possible in general in Coq. We report on the tradeoffs between these two approaches, and demonstrate these tradeoffs on proof repair case studies for previously unsupported changes.
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