Clip Reconstruction of Fusiform A1 Segment Aneurysm Using Lateral Supraorbital Approach


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Fusiform aneurysms of the anterior cerebral artery are a surgical rarity encountered only occasionally by a neurosurgeon.1,2 Seen most commonly in the vertebrobasilar territory, these aneurysms differ in pathophysiology and clinical presentation from their saccular counterparts. Arterial dissections and atherosclerosis are the leading causes of these aneurysms in young and elderly patients, respectively.3 Patients can present with symptoms related to mass effect/compression of adjacent structures or with ischemic symptoms apart from aneurysm rupture. Management of these aneurysms remains challenging owing to the lack of a distinct neck. Surgical options include clip reconstruction, parent vessel occlusion, or aneurysm trapping with4 and without1 bypass using a branch of the superficial temporal artery. Clipping techniques used for these aneurysms include the use of fenestrated clips, vessel wall reconstruction, and wrapping.5,6 However, due to enormous variations in aneurysm morphology, each case presents a unique challenge; hence neurosurgeons need to be aware of this important entity. Endovascular techniques including parent vessel occlusion or vessel-preserving techniques using coil or flow diverters have also been described,3 but clipping remains the preferred choice for most surgeons worldwide. In Video 1, we present a case of fusiform A1 segment aneurysm in a 34-year-old gentleman and demonstrate how the aneurysm was clipped using a lateral supraorbital approach. He made an uneventful recovery with subtle right lower limb weakness. This video shows the technique and utility of a minimally invasive skull base approach for dealing with a fusiform anterior circulation aneurysm.
A1 segment aneurysm,Clipping,Fusiform,Lateral supraorbital
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