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Methanogens Acquire and Bioaccumulate Nickel During Reductive Dissolution of Nickelian Pyrite.

Applied and environmental microbiology(2023)

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Nickel (Ni) is a key component of the active site metallocofactors of numerous enzymes required for methanogenesis, including [NiFe]-hydrogenase, carbon monoxide dehydrogenase, and methyl CoM reductase, leading to a high demand for Ni among methanogens. However, methanogens often inhabit euxinic environments that favor the sequestration of nickel as metal-sulfide minerals, such as nickelian pyrite [(Ni,Fe)S-2], that have low solubilities and that are not considered bioavailable. Recently, however, several different model methanogens (Methanosarcina barkeri, Methanococcus voltae, Methanococcus maripaludis) were shown to reductively dissolve pyrite (FeS2) and to utilize dissolution products to meet iron and sulfur biosynthetic demands. Here, using M. barkeri Fusaro, and laboratory-synthesized (Ni,Fe)S-2 that was physically isolated from cells using dialysis membranes, we show that trace nickel (<20 nM) abiotically solubilized from the mineral can support methanogenesis and limited growth, roughly fivefold less than the minimum concentration known to support methanogenesis. Furthermore, when provided direct contact with (Ni,Fe)S-2, M. barkeri promoted the reductive dissolution of (Ni,Fe)S-2 and assimilated solubilized nickel, iron, and sulfur as its sole source of these elements. Cells that reductively dissolved (Ni,Fe)S-2 bioaccumulated approximately fourfold more nickel than those grown with soluble nickel and sulfide but had similar metabolic coupling efficiencies. While the mechanism for Ni uptake in archaeal methanogens is not known, homologs of the bacterial Nik uptake system were shown to be ubiquitous across methanogen genomes. Collectively, these observations indicate that (Ni,Fe)S-2 is bioavailable in anoxic environments and that methanogens can convert this mineral into nickel-, iron-, and sulfur-containing metalloenzymes to support methanogenesis and growth.
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nickel famine,(NiFe)S-2,great oxidation event,hydrogen,methane,hydrogenase,anaerobic,sulfide
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