
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using sustainable bio-fertilizer (Panchakavyam) for the selective oxidation of propylene glycol and veratryl alcohol

Results in Chemistry(2023)

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This study demonstrates the selective oxidation of propylene glycol and veratryl alcohol utilizing silver oxide nanoparticles. This work adopted employing Panchakavyam, a medicinally rich bio-fertilizer for synthesizing silver oxide nanoparticles. In the present study, panchakavyam was prepared as a supporting material for the synthesis of silver oxide nanoparticles (Ag2O NPs). The traditional source of panchakavyam makes it cost effective, eco-friendly and the positive alteration of structure and shape of the catalyst enabled to deliver high yield of value added products. The synthesized silver oxide nanoparticle's structure, shape, reactivity, stability, nature of the catalyst, thermal behaviour were studied and analysed through standard catalyst characterization techniques. Post synthesis of nanoparticles, selective oxidation reaction was carried out by confining the silver oxide nanoparticles as a nano catalyst. The tert-butyl hydroperoxide was chosen as the solvent for the oxidation studies of propylene glycol and veratryl alcohol. This study was performed by varying the reaction parameters such as temperature, pressure, time, WHSV-1 etc., to obtain the maximum yield of most desired product. The study involving conversion of propylene glycol(PG) to hydroxy acetone(HA) showed a conversion and selectivity of 100 and 99%, respectively. Similarly conversion of veratryl alcohol(VAOL) to veratraldehyde(VAL) showed a conversion and selectivity of 100 and 97.8%, respectively. The result of the study provides a path to explore the adoption of sustainable catalyst in the conversion of propylene glycol and veratryl alcohol to an industrially important products.
Panchakavyam,Silver nanoparticles,Green synthesis,Propylene Glycol,Hydroxy Acetone,Veratryl alcohol,Veratryl aldehyde
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