Split complementation of base editors to minimize off-target edits

Nature Plants(2023)

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Base editors (BEs) empower the efficient installation of beneficial or corrective point mutations in crop and human genomes. However, conventional BEs can induce unpredictable guide RNA (gRNA)-independent off-target edits in the genome and transcriptome due to spurious activities of BE-enclosing deaminases, and current improvements mostly rely on deaminase-specific mutagenesis or exogenous regulators. Here we developed a split deaminase for safe editing (SAFE) system applicable to BEs containing distinct cytidine or adenosine deaminases, with no need of external regulators. In SAFE, a BE was properly split at a deaminase domain embedded inside a Cas9 nickase, simultaneously fragmenting and deactivating both the deaminase and the Cas9 nickase. The gRNA-conditioned BE reassembly conferred robust on-target editing in plant, human and yeast cells, while minimizing both gRNA-independent and gRNA-dependent off-target DNA/RNA edits. SAFE also substantially increased product purity by eliminating indels. Altogether, SAFE provides a generalizable solution for BEs to suppress off-target editing and improve on-target performance. The deaminases of base editors alone can induce unpredictable off-target edits. This paper describes a simple and generalizable solution for base editors containing distinct deaminases to suppress off-target edits in plant, yeast and human cells.
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