Simon wile symposium echos of inspiration: collaborative and integrated care innovations for historically marginalized pediatric populations

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry(2023)

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In celebration of the 2023 Simon Wile Awardee, our speakers aim to empower attendees with knowledge of novel initiatives in pediatric mental health integrated and collaborative care serving historically marginalized pediatric populations. Our first speaker will present on the integration of assessment and initial management of parent mental health concerns within pediatric primary care with a focus on Latinx immigrant-origin families. Our second speaker will describe a collaborative care model highlighting the experience and outcomes in a refugee pediatric population. Our third speaker will narrate the Native Youth Mental Health Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) objectives and experiences in providing training opportunities for those providing mental health care to Native youth. Attendees will be able to identify the mental health needs of historically marginalized pediatric populations, to review challenges and successes related to implementation of actualized innovations, and to be inspired to advocate by sharing knowledge of these strategies to key stakeholders locally.
integrated care innovations,collaborative,symposium
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