Design for Learnability: Challenging the State-of-the-Art in UX to foster Inclusion and Participation

CSCW '23 Companion: Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing(2023)

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Design for Intuitive Use is based upon knowledge from previous experiences. People with low digital literacy lack this knowledge, causing difficulties and exclusion from the digital society. In this research project, we focus on Design for Learnability as a new paradigm that challenges the state of the art in UX Design to foster inclusion and participation. To empower this group, so called Hybrid Anchor Points are established in local communities. We use an Interactive Tabletop Projection (ITP), which facilitates access to simplify participation. Further it allows for collaborative exploration and learning, taking into account the needs of people with low digital literacy, focusing on first-use learnability, during-use support and low cognitive load. A pilot study showed a significant reduction in user errors and help interventions. This research shows that design for learnability, combined with an ITP, can simplify access to the digital society and further advance inclusion and participation.
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