The Use and Perceptions of the Defense and Veterans Pain Rating Scale by Nursing Personnel

Erin A. Dannecker, Kathleen M. Darchuk, Cheryl L. Shigaki,William M. Palmer, Paul T. Korte, Elizabeth K. Turner

Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses(2023)

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BACKGROUND:In 2010, the Office of the US Army Surgeon General recommended the Veterans Administration (VA) assess pain using the Defense and Veterans Pain Rating Scale (DVPRS). One item in the DVPRS is for measuring pain intensity. This item contains a combination of five response metrics: categories, faces, colors, numbers, and functional descriptors. A few studies have supported patients' and health care providers' preferences for the DVPRS and its psychometric properties. However, they also left uncertainties about its usability and validity. AIMS:To advance our understanding of the DVPRS, this study examined the use and perceptions of the DVPRS' pain intensity item by nursing personnel during multi-modal care. DESIGN:A cross-sectional survey design was used. SETTING:VA Community Living Center. PARTICIPANTS:Nursing personnel. METHODS:Nursing personnel answered closed- and open-ended survey questions during a single session. RESULTS:Nursing personnel reported sufficient training before implementing the measure and that patients primarily used the numeric metric. When patients used a non-numeric metric, the nursing personnel responded in variable ways. In addition, the nursing personnel interpreted the functional descriptors differently. The nursing personnel also noted the need to supplement the pain intensity item with patients' pain duration and pain location. CONCLUSIONS:Results from this study inform the nursing community about the DVPRS' pain intensity item, which combines multiple response metrics. The results support the need for nursing units to generate and standardize procedures for using the item to measure multi-site pain and for interpreting and documenting patients' non-numeric responses. The effects of such procedures on the measure's usability and psychometric properties warrants additional investigation.
veterans pain rating scale,nursing personnel
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