
Low Organic Matter Abundance and Highly Efficient Hydrocarbon Generation of Saline Source Rock in the Qaidam Basin,NW China

Petroleum exploration and development(2023)

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The geochemical analysis and experimental simulation are comprehensively used to systematically study the hy-drocarbon generation material,organic matter enrichment and hydrocarbon generation model of Paleogene source rock in the Western Qaidam Depression,Qaidam Basin,NW China.Three main factors result in low TOC values of saline lacustrine source rock of the Qaidam Basin:relatively poor nutrient supply inhibits the algal bloom,too fast deposition rate causes the dilution of organic matter,and high organic matter conversion efficiency causes the low residual organic carbon.For this type of hydrogen-rich organic matter,due to the reduction of organic carbon during hydrocarbon generation,TOC needs to be restored based on maturity before evaluating organic matter abundance.The hydrocarbon generation of saline lacustrine source rocks of the Qaidam Basin is from two parts:soluble organic matter and insoluble organic matter.The soluble organic matter is inherited from organisms and preserved in saline lacustrine basins.It generates hydrocarbons during low-maturity stage,and the formed hy-drocarbons are rich in complex compounds such as NOS,and undergo secondary cracking to form light components in the later stage;the hydrocarbon generation model of insoluble organic matter conforms to the traditional"Tissot"model,with an oil generation peak corresponding to Ro of 1.0%.
Qaidam Basin,Qaidam Western Depression,Paleogene Lower Ganchaigou Formation,saline lake,low TOC value,shale oil,dissolved organic matter,high efficient hydrocarbon generation,hydrocarbon generation model,organic matter abundance
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