Soft Wetting: Droplet Receding Contact Angles on Soft Superhydrophobic Surfaces


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Despite intensive investigations on the droplet receding contact angle on superhydrophobic surfaces, i.e., a key parameter characterizing surface wettability and adhesion, the quantitative correlation between the surface structure mechanical properties (softness) and the droplet receding contact angles remains vague. By systematically varying the geometric dimensions and mechanical properties of soft pillar arrays, we find that the droplet receding contact angles decrease with the decrease in the pillar spring constant. Most surprisingly, the densely packed pillar arrays may result in larger receding contact angles than those on sparsely packed pillars, opposing the understanding of rigid pillar arrays, where the receding contact angles increase with a decrease in the packing density of pillars. This is attributed to the collective effects of capillarity and elasticity, where the energy consumed by the sliding contact line, the energy stored in the distorted liquid-vapor interface, and the energy stored in the deflected pillar contribute to the droplet depinning characteristics. We develop an analytical model to predict the droplet receding contact angles on soft superhydrophobic pillar arrays with knowledge of the material intrinsic receding contact angle, the pillar geometry, and the pillar mechanical properties. The predictions are corroborated by the experimental data measured in this and prior studies.
surfaces,droplet,contact angles
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