
Combine Influence of Charged Particles and Dust Particles in Tri-Cross Hybrid Nanomaterials on 3D Surface Via GFET

Hua Bian,Umar Nazir,Mohamed Ayadi,Muhammad Sohail,Kanit Mukdasai, Ahmed M. Hassan, Maria Amelia E. Damian

Case studies in thermal engineering(2023)

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Nanoparticles are used in many industrial processes due to their wider applications. The current inspection deals the utilization of nanoparticles to boost thermal efficiency. This research reports the inclusion of nanoparticles and dust particles for the flow of tri-hybridized nanofluid with thermal transport in a stretchable porous sheet with Hall and Ion slip contribution. The mechanism of thermal transport is carried out by engaging the radiation and Joule heating effects and the flow-presenting equations are derived from the principle of boundary layer theory in Cartesian coordinates. The principle of boundary layer theory was engaged to derive momentum transport for tri-hybridized nanoparticles, dust particles and thermal transport in the presence of Joule heating and external heat sources. The derived equations are in the form of coupled PDEs (partial differential equations) for three-dimensional model which are converted into coupled ODEs (ordinary differential equations) and the simplified expressions are handled numerically via finite element procedure. The results are prepared for the solution in the form of tables and graphs against different involved parameters. The results reveal that thermal enhancement and motion of the particles for the case of the fluid phase are higher than the thermal enhancement and motion for the case of the dusty phase and additionally, thermal performance for the case of tri-hybrid nano-structures (SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3/engine oil) is higher than thermal performance for the cases of hybrid nano-fluid.
Cross nanomaterials,Charged particles,Dust particles,Solar thermal radiation,3D surface,Galerkin finite element technique
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