
Contrasting Trend of Wintertime Wind Speed Between Near-surface and Upper Air in China During 1979-2021


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The long-term height-resolved wind trend in China under global warming still needs to be discovered. To fill this gap, in this paper we examined the climatology and long-term(1979–2021) trends of the wintertime wind speed at the near-surface and upper atmosphere in China based on long-term radiosonde measurements. At 700, 500, and 400 hPa,much higher wind speed was found over eastern China, compared with western China. At 300, 200, and 100 hPa,maximum wind speed was observed in the latitude zone of around 25–35°N. Furthermore, westerly winds dominated most parts of China between 20°N and 50°N at altitudes from 700 hPa to 100 hPa. A stilling was revealed for the near-surface wind from 1979–2003. From 2004 onward, the near-surface wind speed reversed from decreasing to increasing. This could be largely due to the joint impact of reduced surface roughness length, aerosol optical depth(AOD), and increased sensible heat flux in the ground surface. The decrease of AOD tended to reduce aerosol radiative forcing, thereby destabilizing the planetary boundary layer(PBL). By comparison, the wintertime wind in the upper atmosphere exhibited a significant monotonic upward trend, albeit with varying magnitude for different altitudes. In the upper troposphere, the wintertime maximum wind was observed along a westerly jet stream, with a pronounced upward trend within the zone approximately bounded by latitudes of 25–50°N, particularly above 500 hPa. This accelerating wind observed in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere could be closely associated with the large planetary-scale meridional temperature trend gradient.Besides, the direction for the wind at the near-surface and lower troposphere(925 and 850 hPa) exhibited a larger variance over the period 1979–2021, which could be associated with the strong turbulence of PBL caused by the heterogeneous land surface. For those pressure levels higher than 850 hPa, large wind directional variance was merely found to the south of 25°N. The findings from long-term radiosonde measurements in winter over China shed light on the changes in wind speed on the ground and upper atmosphere under global warming from an observational perspective.
radiosonde,wind speed,long-term trend,thermal wind balance,China
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