
Evidence of a Distal Axis Inactive High-Temperature Hydrothermal Field on the Ultraslow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Insights from Mineralogy and Geochemistry Studies

Marine geology(2023)

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The development of hydrothermal activities on mid-ocean ridges is primarily influenced by magmatic and tectonic activities close to the ridge axis. On slow and ultraslow spreading ridges featured by limited magma supply, prolonged hydrothermal activity can also occur in non-transform offsets (NTO), where sustained ultramafic-related hydrothermal circulation happens due to prolonged hydrothermal processes associated with the expose of ultramafic rocks. In contrast, basalt-hosted hydrothermal fields are barely developed in NTOs, especially in off-axis area, due to insufficient magma supply. In this study, we reported the occurrence of a distal axis (similar to 9.5 km) basalt-hosted hydrothermal field (50.63 degrees E) on the NTO of segment 27 of the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian ridge. The hydrothermal products are characterized by layered crusts mainly composed of oxides, such as limonite and goethite, rich in Fe and depleted in Si. These crusts contain high contents of trace elements derived from seawater, such as P, As, Mo, U, and Sb and show REE pattens with negative Eu and mostly positive Ce anomalies. However, the high Cu content (1.82 +/- 0.89 wt%, N = 27), low absorption ratio of Cu (18.39 +/- 12.71%, N = 9), and residual chalcopyrite altered by goethite suggest prior high-temperature hydrothermal activity. Lead isotopic composition with basaltic rocks signatures that distinct from those of low-temperature crusts of seawater origin also support this conclusion. The Fe-rich crusts appears to be the result of high-temperature sulfides altered by late-stage low-temperature diffuse flow. This field is currently the furthest known distal axis basalt-hosted hydrothermal field located in NTOs of ultraslow spreading ridges. The hydrothermal circulation is likely due to a combination of off-axis normal fault and gabbro diking. Our results emphasize the occurrence of distal axis basalt-hosted high-temperature hydrothermal activities on NTOs of ultraslow spreading ridges, and may lead to an increased estimation of hydrothermal heat and chemical influx to the ocean.
Iron oxides,Geochemistry,Hydrothermal field,Southwest Indian Ridge
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