
Establishment and Optimization of the Three-Band Fluorometric Indices for Oil Species Identification: Implications on the Optimal Excitation Wavelengths and the Detection Band Combinations

Ming Xie, Qintuan Xu, Lei Xie,Ying Li,Bing Han

Analytica chimica acta(2023)

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Background: The oil pollutants have become a major threat to the ocean environment with the rapid development of social economy and offshore production activities. The detection and identification of petroleum pollutants is the foundation and pre-requisite for controlling offshore oil pollution. Spectroscopic analysis using the ultraviolet-induced fluorescence of oil pollutants is a potential way for oil species identification. Nevertheless, the current fluorescence spectroscopic analysis methods, such as excitation-emission matrix, has high requirements on the detection equipment. There is a great need for rapid oil species identification method when it comes to practical applications. (93) Results: This study established the three-band fluorometric index (TBFI) method and examined its capability on the oil species identification. The fluorescence of five different types of oil samples under various excitation wavelengths were excited using a tuneable xenon lamp, and measured using a high-resolution spectrometer. The optimal excitation wavelengths and the corresponding detection band combinations were explored through the iterations of an optimal band combination algorithm through different excitation wavelengths. According to the results, three out of the four TBFIs tested in this study are suitable for oil species identification. They share the same sets of the excitation wavelengths under 365 nm, 375 nm, and 435 nm. The detection band combinations corresponding to each TBFI under each feasible excitation wavelength were also determined in this study. (125) Significance: The three-band fluorometric index method proposed in this study provides a feasible way for the rapid oil species identification using fluorescence spectroscopic analysis. The optimal excitation and detection wavelengths determined in this study also provide the theoretical basis for the designs of fluorescence sensors for rapid oil spill detection and identification. (51).
Fluorescence spectroscopy,Spectral analysis,Fluorescence spectrum,Ultraviolet-induced fluorescence,Oil spill,Optimal band combination
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