[Screening for asymptomatic atrial fibrillation in elder community populations in Dalian: a single center study].

Y H Yang, R Q Xu, R F Zhang,Y S Wei, L Hong, J Sun,T Cong,Y L Xia

Zhonghua xin xue guan bing za zhi(2023)

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Objective: We aimed to determine the epidemiological characteristics of asymptomatic AF in elder community population (≥65 years old) to analyze the detection rate of different screening methods. Methods: The study was a prospective cohort study. The elder (≥65 years old) residents who voluntarily participated in free physical examination in Dalian community were selected. The participants were randomly divided into screening group (including intensive screening group and single screening group) and control group. The control group received interrogation, medical history collection and routine 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) examination. Screening group received an additional single-lead ambulatory ECG equipment worn for 5-7 days. Intensive screening group received two equal-length wearings in 2020 and 2021 respectively, while one screening group only wore once in 2020. Results: Finally 3 340 residents ((70.7±5.0) years old) which consisted of 1 488 males (44.55%) were enrolled. There were 1 945 residents in screening group, including 859 in intensive screening group and 1 086 in one-time screening group. The control group included 1 395 people. Detection rate of asymptomatic AF was significantly higher in screening group than control group (79(4.06%) vs. 24(1.72%), P<0.001). Higher detection rate was found in screening group than control group in AF risk factors (1 or 2-3) subgroups and CHA2DS2-VASc score (2-3 or≥4) subgroups (P<0.05). Additionally, no difference was found between intensive screening group and single screening group (42(4.89%) vs. 37(3.41%), P=0.100). Intensive screening increased detection rate (7(6.93%) vs. 1(0.58%), P=0.009) only in residents those with low thrombosis risk (CHA2DS2-VaSc<2). Conclusions: Screening in elderly (≥65 years old) can significantly improve the detection rate of asymptomatic AF by wearing single lead dynamic ECG device. The rate increased significantly with the increase of risk factors associated with AF by single screening. In addition, repeat screening of the same method may only improve detection rates in the group with low risk thrombotic scores and non-combination of AF risk factors.Screening methods that are appropriate for different populations may require further exploration.
Atrial fibrillation,Asymptomatic atrial fibrillation,Atrial fibrillation screening,Community population
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