
Molecular Characterization of Vermicompost-Derived IAA-releasing Bacterial Isolates and Assessment of Their Impact on the Root Improvement of Banana During Primary Hardening.

World journal of microbiology & biotechnology incorporating the MIRCEN Journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology/World journal of microbiology & biotechnology(2023)

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The hardening step of micropropagation is crucial to make the in vitro raised plants mature and further enhancing their survivability in the external environment. Auxin regulates various root physiological parameters in plant systems. Therefore, the present study aimed to assess the impact of three vermicompost-derived IAA-releasing microbial strains, designated S1, S2, and S3, as biofertilizers on in vitro raised banana plantlets during primary hardening. The High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) analysis of these strains revealed a higher IAA content for S1 and S2 than that of S3 after 144 h of incubation. In total, seven different treatments were applied to banana plantlets, and significant variations were observed in all plant growth parameters for all treatments except autoclaved cocopeat (100%) mixed with autoclaved vermicompost (100%) at a 1:1 ratio. Among these treatments, the application of S3 biofertilizer: autoclaved cocopeat (1:1), followed by S2 biofertlizer: autoclaved cocopeat (1:1), was found to be better than other treatments for root numbers per plant, root length per plant, root volume, and chlorophyll content. These findings have confirmed the beneficial effects of microbial strains on plant systems and propose a link between root improvement and bacterial auxin. Further, these strains were identified at the molecular level as Bacillus sp. As per our knowledge, this is the first report of Bacillus strains isolated from vermicompost and applied as biofertilizer along with cocopeat for the primary hardening of banana. This unique approach may be adopted to improve the quality of plants during hardening, which increases their survival under abiotic stresses.
Acclimatization,Auxin,Banana,Bacillus sp.,Biofertilizer,Micropropagation
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