
Economically Optimised Target State of Uneven-Aged Forest Management for Main Forest Types in Slovakia

Central European Forestry Journal(2023)

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The study presented a bioeconomic modelling approach for an uneven-aged mixed forest management planning. Regression models for transition (increment), and ingrowth (regeneration) used the National Forest Inventory (NFI) of Slovakia and regional inventory data. Mortality was based on salvage logging records. Models were specific for five tree species within three forest types (FT) (oak with hornbeam and beech, beech, mixed fir-beech-spruce). Net timber prices were calculated with regard to stem quality. Tree growth depended on crown characteristics. The regression models were adjusted to three main geobiotope (GBT) sites per FT. Forest growth was simulated with the density-dependent stand-level matrix transition model. Financial optimisation of harvest was sensitive to an interest rate. Long-time optimisation stabilised in a steady state equilibrium characterised by a stable diameter distribution. Target diameters were specific for site and tree species, and were highest for fir, a dense crown, a good stem quality, and a lower interest rate. Standing timber volume varied from 150 m3 ha–1 (oak forests, 2% interest rate) to 400 m3 ha–1 (beech and fir-beech-spruce forests, 0.5% interest rate). Harvested volume varied from 38 to 93 m3 ha–1 per 10 years, stand basal area (ba) varied from 19 to 36 m2 ha–1 depending on the site, timber price, and interest rate. The discussion pointed out that the relative low volume of the oak FT resulted from the light-demanding characteristics of oak. The mean of oak mosaic structures was lower compared to the high level of more storeys present in the single tree selection structures in beech and mixed fir-beech-spruce forests.
simultaneous non-linear optimisation,subplex optimisation algorithm,continuous cover forestry,close-to-nature forest management,single tree selection management
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