Enhanced Levels of Adiposity, Stretch and Fibrosis Markers in Patients with Coexistent Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation

Journal of cardiovascular translational research(2024)

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The coexistence of heart failure (HF) and atrial fibrillation (AF) worsens the prognosis of patients. We aimed to study the inflammation, metabolism, adiposity, and fibrosis markers on epicardial and subcutaneous fat and blood, and their relationship with HF and AF. Samples from 185 patients undergoing cardiac surgery were collected. Levels of multi-markers on fat biopsies and plasma were analyzed. Patients were grouped by HF or AF presence. Plasma adiposity markers were increased in AF patients, while increased stretch markers correlated with HF. Patients with both AF and HF had higher ANP and GDF-15 levels. After excluding AF patients, plasma FABP4 was identified as the main HF predictor. Fat biopsies from AF patients showed an enhanced inflammatory profile. Higher levels of adiposity markers are associated with AF or HF, and higher stretch and fibrosis markers with combined AF and HF, suggesting a role of adiposity-fibrosis pathway in HF and AF coexistence. Graphical Abstract
Biomarkers,Adipose tissue,Heart failure,Atrial fibrillation
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