Signposts on the road toward transformative governance: how a stronger focus on diverse values can enhance environmental policies

Eszter Kelemen,Suneetha M. Subramanian,Alta De Vos,Sacha Amaruzaman,Luciana Porter-Bolland,Mine Islar, Marina Kosmus,Barbara Nakangu, Emmanuel Nuesiri, Gabriela A. Robles,Evonne Yiu, Lucy Emerton, Agnes Zolyomi

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability(2023)

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Transformative change toward sustainability is increasingly recognized as inevitable to avoid the collapse of socio-ecological systems. However, for a deep and system-wide transformation, governance approaches and policymaking need to be changed too. This paper discusses how a diverse value approach in environmental policymaking could be undertaken to foster transformative governance that can further lead to system-wide transitions. Based on the analysis of different policy options' transformative potential, we argue that the more diverse values addressed by a policy instrument, the bigger its transformative potential. Weaving values into policy decision-making is possible at several junctures of the policy process, but context-specificities should always be considered, and capacities must be enhanced at all levels, both for public and private actors.
transformative governance,environmental policies,diverse values
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