Neutrophil-mediated hypoxia drives pathogenic CD8 T cell responses in cutaneous leishmaniasis.

Erin A Fowler,Camila Farias Amorim, Klauss Mostacada, Allison Yan,Laís Amorim Sacramento, Rae A Stanco, Emily Ds Hales, Aditi Varkey, Wenjing Zong,Gary D Wu,Camila I de Oliveira,Patrick L Collins,Fernanda O Novais

The Journal of clinical investigation(2024)

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Cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania parasites exhibits a wide range of clinical manifestations. Although parasites influence disease severity, cytolytic CD8 T cell responses mediate disease. While these responses originate in the lymph node, we found that expression of the cytolytic effector molecule granzyme B was restricted to lesional CD8 T cells in Leishmania-infected mice, suggesting that local cues within inflamed skin induced cytolytic function. Expression of Blimp-1 (Prdm1), a transcription factor necessary for cytolytic CD8 T cell differentiation, was driven by hypoxia within the inflamed skin. Hypoxia was further enhanced by the recruitment of neutrophils that consumed oxygen to produce reactive oxygen species and ultimately increased the hypoxic state and granzyme B expression in CD8 T cells. Importantly, lesions from cutaneous leishmaniasis patients exhibited hypoxia transcription signatures that correlated with the presence of neutrophils. Thus, targeting hypoxia-driven signals that support local differentiation of cytolytic CD8 T cells may improve the prognosis for patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis, as well as other inflammatory skin diseases where cytolytic CD8 T cells contribute to pathogenesis.
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