
Stratified thermosolutal aspects in magnetized 3D tangent hyperbolic nanofluid flow contained oxytactic moment microorganisms

Tribology International(2023)

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The assessment of non-Newtonian fluids has fascinated much research interest over the last few decenniums. The investigations of these liquids are promoted by their applications in manufacturing areas like plastic thawing, material dispensation, polymeric liquids, nuclear plants and toxin, biochemical engineering, pharma product, mechanical applications and food industry. In this work, we have addressed the significance of bioconvection analysis for magnetized Tangent Hyperbolic nanofluid capturing features of gyrotactic moment of microorganisms and radiation phenomenon. The impacts of MHD are deliberated in momentum equation whereas in energy equation the aspects of thermal radiation are studied. We familiarized the chemical reaction term in concentration equation for convalescing the mass transfer. Since, our governing equations appear in form of partial differential equations. These partial differential equations are nonlinear, by using suitable similarity transformations these equations can be converted into ordinary differential equations. To obtained numerical solution, the simplified mathematical framework can be processed by using the Bvp4c a MATLAB program. The physical nature can be disclosed by computation of heat transfer rate, mass transfer rate, density of microbe for temperature, concentration as well as microorganism respectively. The thermophoresis parameter boosts for both temperature and concentration profile, while Brownian motion parameter has a contradicting tendency for temperature and concentration profile. The magnetic parameter and power law index parameter have opposite behaviour for the microorganism profile. This research analysis has numerous applications in biomedical engineering, biomechanics, food factories, heat control systems, thermal exchangers and aero dynamical systems.
Tangent Hyperbolic nanofluid,Thermal radiation,Triple stratification,Thermophoresis,Gyrotactic microorganism,Activation energy,Brownian motion
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