
Fiducial Reference Measurements (frms): What Are They?


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In recent years, the concept of a Fiducial Reference Measurement (FRM) has been developed to highlight the need for precise and well-characterised measurements tailored explicitly to the post-launch calibration and validation (Cal/Val) of Earth observation satellite missions. The confidence that stems from robust, unambiguous uncertainty assessment of space observations is fundamental to assessing the changes in the Earth system and climate model prediction and delivering the essential evidence-based input for policy makers and society striving to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The underlying concept of an FRM has long been a core element of a Cal/Val program, providing a ‘trustable’ reference against which performance can be anchored or assessed. The ‘FRM’ label was created to embody into such a reference a set of key criteria. These criteria included the establishment of documented evidence of uncertainty with respect to a community-agreed reference (ideally SI-traceable) and specific tailoring to the needs of a satellite mission. It therefore facilitates comparison and interoperability between products and missions in a cost-efficient manner. Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group Cal/Val (WGCV) is now putting in place a framework to assess the maturity and compliance of a ‘Cal/Val reference measurement’ in terms of a set of community-agreed criteria which define it to be of CEOS-FRM quality. The assessment process is based on a maturity matrix that provides a visual assessment of the state of any FRM against each of a set of given criteria, making visible where it is mature and where evolution and effort are still needed. This paper provides the overarching definition of what constitutes an FRM and introduces the new CEOS-FRM assessment framework.
earth observation,remote sensing,calibration,validation,fiducial reference measurements,CEOS
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