A Global Assessment of Coagulation Profile and a Novel Insight into Adamts-13 Implication in Neonatal Sepsis


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Simple Summary Coagulation and inflammation are two highly interrelated processes. The scope of the present study was to investigate the alterations of clotting and anticlotting mechanisms in neonates suffering from sepsis. Coagulation factors, natural inhibitors of coagulation and ADAMTS-13 (A disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin type-1 motives) were measured in term and preterm neonates in the acute phase of infection and after recovery. A control group of healthy neonates was also included. The results addressed by our study indicate a critical impairment of the hemostatic profile in neonates in the acute phase of infection, compared to recovery and the control group. Particular results are of great significance, as they are demonstrated for the first time and may be useful for the development of new therapeutic options in neonatal sepsis.Abstract Neonatal sepsis is a life-threatening condition associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Sepsis-induced coagulopathy is a well-recognized entity, signifying the strong cross-talk between inflammation and coagulation. The aim of the present study was to compare the coagulation profile between the acute phase of sepsis and recovery in term and preterm neonates. Additional comparisons to healthy neonates were undertaken. Levels of clotting, anti-clotting factors and ADAMTS-13 (A disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin type-1 motives), the cleaving protein of von Willebrand factor (VWF), were measured in 16 term and preterm neonates in the acute phase of infection and following recovery, as well as in 18 healthy neonates. Clotting times were prolonged, while levels of particular clotting factors were lower in the acute phase of infection compared to controls and recovery. On the other hand, levels of fibrinogen, factor VIII (FVIII) and VWF were significantly higher in the acute phase in comparison to controls and recovery, while they remained persistently higher in the infection group compared to controls. In regard to the anticlotting mechanism, a clear suppression was observed in septic neonates. ADAMTS-13 levels were significantly lower in the acute phase of infection in comparison to controls and recovery (p = 0.015 and 0.004, respectively), while a trend toward superimposed normalization was demonstrated post infection, as higher ADAMTS-13 levels were measured in recovered neonates compared to controls (p = 0.002). The coagulation profile is considerably deranged in neonatal sepsis. ADAMTS-13 deficiency in septic neonates is a novel finding with promising future implications, as ADAMTS-13 substitution may serve as a useful therapeutic option in neonatal sepsis, prompting further investigation in future studies.
neonates, sepsis, coagulation factors, anticlotting mechanism, ADAMTS-13, D-dimers
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