Cluster algebras and tilings for the m=4 amplituhedron


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The amplituhedron $A_{n,k,m}(Z)$ is the image of the positive Grassmannian $Gr_{k,n}^{\geq 0}$ under the amplituhedron map $Gr_{k,n}^{\geq 0} \to Gr_{k,k+m}$ induced by a positive linear map $Z:\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^{k+m}$. It was originally introduced in physics in order to give a geometric interpretation of scattering amplitudes. More specifically, one can compute scattering amplitudes in $N=4$ SYM by decomposing the amplituhedron into 'tiles' (closures of images of $4k$-dimensional cells of $Gr_{k,n}^{\geq 0}$ on which the amplituhedron map is injective) and summing up the 'volumes' of the tiles. Such a decomposition into tiles is called a tiling. In this article we deepen our understanding of tiles and tilings of the $m=4$ amplituhedron. We prove the cluster adjacency conjecture for BCFW tiles of $A_{n,k,4}(Z)$, which says that facets of BCFW tiles are cut out by collections of compatible cluster variables for $Gr_{4,n}$. We also give an explicit description of each BCFW tile as the subset of $Gr_{k, k+4}$ where certain cluster variables have particular signs. And we prove the BCFW tiling conjecture, which says that any way of iterating the BCFW recurrence gives rise to a tiling of the amplituhedron $A_{n,k,4}(Z)$. Along the way we construct many explicit seeds for the $Gr_{4,n}$ comprised of high-degree cluster variables, which may be of independent interest in the study of cluster algebras.
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